We started in 2008 as a design consultancy for building services and since then we have gained a lot of experience in many types of investments. Our team consists exclusively of MEP services design engineers with higher education. Installations designed by us have been operating successfully for many years – some for more than 10! We simply like to design!
Having created a large number of installation models, we have excellent experience in the field of modelling. We can manage the entire process from start to finish, including all the arrangements arising from the contract and BIM documents. There’s no denying that the modelling process must be preceded by a preparatory phase. The better you prepare the initial phase of modelling, the more seamless the process will be. And we know how to do it!
We understand BIM and DON’T get lost in it. We are practical and pragmatic, and the client’s business and commercial goals are always at the centre of what we do. We are often employed to verify the implementation of BIM requirements in the design and model documentation. As a result, the client can be certain of the fulfilment of BIM requirements, as well as the contractual requirements of contractors and subcontractors. We’ll simply clarify all the BIM issues.
How many times during the implementation of the investment were there issues with the project documentation or models? Quite frequently, actually. In such situations, we are hired to verify various stages of the project: this may involve checking the services concept, energy calculations, solutions for compliance with standards and requirements, selection of devices or solutions concerning services operation, installation management and access. We can check everything for you.